
correlative terms 【心理學】相關名詞。


The current chinese foundation design code gbj7 - 89 use limit equilibrium theoiy with elastic soil stress distribution to give out bearing capacity design value calculating fonnula and use elastic soil model to evaluate foundation settlement . according to the above theories , code gbj7 - 89 gives the correlative terms . but these do not accord with the practical mechanism of loaded soil below the shallow foundation and the elastoplastic property of natural soil so defects exist 我國現行規范gbj7 - 89將這兩者分開考慮,其計算地基承載力設計值的公式是根據彈性地基中應力分布及土的極限平衡狀態理論為依據而得出的,求地基的沉降變形時則視土體為彈性,這些理論對地基及土的假設與淺基礎地基的實際工作狀態及天然土體的非線性、彈塑性存在一定的偏差。

In the first section , the theoretic base part of the thesis , correlative terms , concepts and theories in literatures all from chinese and english were referenced 第一部分對旅游購物系統的相關術語和基本理論進行了辨析、歸納和總結。